The moringa tree has affectionately been called the The Miracle Tree through the ages for the incredible healing and nutritional benefits from the bark, the leaves and the oil. In fact it’s actually classed as a panacea for its ability to cure more than 300 diseases.
Science Direct reports the leaves have 4 x the vitamin C of oranges, richer in potassium than bananas, 9 x more protein than in yogurt, 10 x more vitamin A than carrots, 17 x more calcium than in milk, 25 x more iron than found in spinach and even more powerful as an anti-inflammatory than tumeric which makes this tree incredible valuable to treat malnutrition, as a natural healing support for diseases and as a nutritional food supplement.
The moringa oil extracted from the seeds is a super anti oxidant and has anti inflammatory properties which is included in our baby, body and hair range.
The roots, trunk or bark of the moringa tree have antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to treat gout, asthma and arthritis.
As far as the bark is concerned, caution is advised as the bark can also have extreme side effects to the nervous system so this is not advised unless under medical supervision.
Whilst recovering from long term asthma symptoms triggered by a virus, I started adding moringa powder to my home-made muesli and snacks and I believe it did increase my energy levels and have tried it since and experienced similar results, this could have just been nutritional boost, which is a positive regardless. If you’re interested to know more, I suggest you explore further online and perhaps discuss with your naturopath.
The positives are the negative side effects from the powder are minimal, although if you have a high iron content or the condition, haemochromatosis, you should avoid moringa for its high iron content.
Click here to take a look at our baby range enriched with Moringa.