Rotuma, an organic island
Posted by Elizabeth Johnston on
"We can't provide you with luxury.."
Posted by Elizabeth Johnston onThese were the words offered to me by Mare Varea of Rotuma on a recent visit. Mare is the sister of Hiagi Foreate who is closely tied with the Council of Rotuma. Rotuma is an organic, volcanic island, 460km north of Fiji and unique for being the first island to be Certified Organic with the Australian Certified Organic
Just 5 steps for Beautiful Winter Skin...
Posted by Elizabeth Johnston onDry skin in winter is due to the lack of humidity in the air. Dry air equates to dry skin as the skins water content quickly evaporates into the atmosphere. On a windy winters day, this action is multiplied and just a few steps can really ease the discomfort.
What does 'Natural' mean?
Posted by Elizabeth Johnston onIn a nutshell we believe that a natural product should be developed to an ethical framework that contains all of those things mentioned above and more but that allows the creation of a usable, enjoyable and affordable product that is as simple and effective as it can be.
Love a good Shampoo Lather? Think again..
Posted by Elizabeth Johnston onWhen it comes to washing our hair, we expect that the more shampoo we use to generate a good foamy scrub, the cleaner our hair and scalp are going to be. But unfortunately, unbeknownst to many, the more the foam, the more your shampoo is filled with unnatural chemicals, which is doing more harm than good.